Search docs: display the document list that can be filtered to your selected criteria
- The content is composed of several tabs:
- Found documents: list of documents. Here you may click and select a document.
- Each row display the information of a document. Click the title to open the main page of the document at the main editor’s web site
- If you hover an element (pass the mouse above an element), detailed information of the element are displayed (as a tooltip)… see below
- The list displays the number of other publications (if any)… those are displayed on the next tab when the element selected.
- Publications: list of other publications of the selected document (see below). Click a publication title to open its editor’s web page.
- Search criteria: select your filter elements
Sample description (tooltip) when ‘hovering’ an element
Other publications tab
sample search results
Sample description (tooltip) when ‘hovering’ an element
- Title like: enter a partial or full text of the document to find
- Doc author like: enter part of full name of the author to find
- Doc area / doc type / author domain / language… select the element to search
- With external link: if ‘yes’ is selected = find only documents having a main publication
- With publications: if ‘Yes’ is selected = find only documents that have other publications
To launch the search, click Apply